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Vickery Family Genealogy Package

This genealogy package has general material involving Vickery of Yarmouth. 


Vickery Family Genealogy includes:

1- Article about E.J. Vickery’s book store. Source: Yarmouth Herald, date unknown.

2- Genealogy of the Vickery family. Source: Yarmouth Genealogies.

3- Article about the barque, Susan M. Dudman. Mentions E.J. Vickery. Source: Yarmouth Herald, date unknown.

4- Funeral record for Zach C. Vickery. Source: Sweeney’s Funeral Record, dated June 3, 1907.

5- Funeral record for Elizabeth Vickery. Source: Sweeney’s Funeral Record, dated February 1908.

6- Funeral record for Catherine Vickery. Source: Sweeney’s Funeral Record, dated March 2, 1905.

7- Marriage description for Lieut. Edgar John Vickery and Estelle Cameron. Source: Yarmouth Herald, dated October 5, 1920.

8- Deed granted to John Vickery. Source: Yarmouth Township Deeds (1804-1808), dated March 9, 1805.

9- Deed granted to Jacob Vickary. Source: Yarmouth Township Deeds (1804-1808), dated March 3, 1810.

10- Photograph of Dr. Hubert B. Vickery. Source unknown.

11- Obituary for Dr. Hubert B. Vickery. Source: Yarmouth Herald, dated 1978

12- Article regarding the disbandment of the highway police that was commanded by Major E.J. Vickery. Source and date unknown.

13- Vital Statistics for Vickery (1840s). Source: Yarmouth Herald, 1840s & 1850s

14- Newspaper article about the fatal accident of barque, Ranger, captained by Roderic G. Vickery. Source: Yarmouth Herald, dated November 14, 1867.

15- Marriage announcement for Jeremiah Vickery and Lydia Crosby. Source: Yarmouth Herald, dated March 13, 1841.

16- Obituary of John R. Vickery (son of Thomas and Sarah Vickery). Source: Yarmouth Herald, dated March 22, 1892.

17- Obituary of William B. Vickery (son of Thomas and Sarah Vickery). Source: Yarmouth Herald, dated April 12, 1892.

18- Obituary of Martha Vickery. Source: Yarmouth Herald, dated November 1, 1892.

19- Marriage announcement for Bessie Vickery and David Robinson. Source: Yarmouth Herald, dated February 14, 1893.

20- Account of an accident involving Enoch Edson (son of Samuel Vickery). Source: Yarmouth Reminiscences, dated 1869.

21- Military information about Alexander Jacob Vickery. Sources: Library and Archives Canada, Attestation papers for Alexander Vickery, Military records of Yarmouth.

22- 1871 Census report for Alfrattie Vickerey [Vickery]. Source: Census of Canada, dated 1871

23- Information regarding Lydia S. Vickery. Sources: Burial records, vital statistics (Vickery)

24- Information on the home of Samuel Vickery (1869). Source: Heritage Home Inventory Site forms

25- Information on the home of Nathan C. Vickery (1901). Source: Heritage Home Inventory Site forms

Vickery Family Genealogy Package

  • All material found in these packages is owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society and is housed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives (22 Collins Street, Yarmouth, NS). Credit must be given to, Yarmouth County Archives. 

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The Yarmouth County Museum and Archives, owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society stands on Mi’kma’ki (Mi’kmaq Territory) and supports culture, education, and arts on this land. We strive for meaningful partnerships with all the peoples of this province as we continue to live and work here. Through the Peace and Friendship Treaties, which the Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet), and Passamaquoddy Peoples first signed with the British Crown in 1725-1726, there was no surrender of lands nor resources. Agreements within these Treaties outline a path for the ongoing relationship between Nations in mutual respect.

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