The original Yarmouth Grand Hotel opened its doors on July 2, 1894 and was highly admired for its beauty.
This archival package includes:
1- The Grand Hotel description from Yarmouth Past and Present by J.M. Lawson. Also has historical details of Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.
2- Annual Report for the Grand Hotel dated June 20, 1901. Includes; List of Shareholders, Manager’s Account report, Statement of Income and Expenditure and Liabilities.
3- Annual Report for the Grand Hotel dated June 30, 1926. Includes; List of Shareholders, Director’s Report, Manager’s Account Report, Balance Sheet, and Financial Statements
4- Grand Hotel Shareholders. List of shareholders.
5- Floor plan. A floor plan for the original Grand Hotel.
6- Article, “The Grand Hotel, Yarmouth, NS”. Description of the Grand Hotel. Dated June 12, 1894. Source: Yarmouth Herald newspaper.
7- George W. Kenney, article regarding his connection to the Grand Hotel. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard.
8- Booklet, Excerpt from the booklet “The Grand Hotel, Yarmouth, NS” describing the hotel, also shows the hotel’s logo. Source: The Grand Hotel – Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
9- Brochure, A brochure advertising what the Grand Hotel had to offer during your visit.
10- George W. Kenney, photo and description receiving his certificate for becoming an Honorary Life Member of the Innkeepers Guild of Nova Scotia. Dated 1965. Source: The Yarmouth Light newspaper, November 25, 1965.
11- Advertisement, Grand Hotel advertisement.
12- Photograph, A photograph of the Office. Source: The Grand Hotel – Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
13- Photograph, A photograph of a typical suite. Source: The Grand Hotel – Yarmouth, Nova Scotia
14- Photograph, A photograph of the Grand Hotel from Victoria Park (now Frost Park), with short description. Dated March 23, 1967. Source: The Yarmouth Light Herald newspaper.
15- Postcards, Three postcards of the Grand Hotel.
16- Menus, Three menus from the restaurant of the Grand Hotel. Dated: 1939, 1961 and 1966.
17- Historical Notes. Two sets of handwritten minute notes made by Robert Killam. Dated 1893-1930s.
18- Article titled, “Yarmouth’s Grand Hotel Closes Doors”. Article regarding the closing of the Grand Hotel. Dated 1966. Source: Yarmouth Herald, article written by Joe LeBlanc.
19- Letter to the Editor, Article regarding the closing of the Grand Hotel, and memories from the writer. Source: The Yarmouth Light Herald newspaper.
20- Auction advertisement. Auction of items from the Grand Hotel. Dated: 1966. Source: Yarmouth Light Herald newspaper.
21- Letter. Description of the “New Grand Hotel”. This letter describes the services and facilities for the new Grand Hotel business, including the Convention services and the hotel floor plan. Dated: Circa 1967.
22- Brochure for the New Grand Hotel. Has a small description and several photographs. Dated 1976.
*Note: If the source is not mentioned in the description, the source is the Grand Hotel original material.
The orginal Yarmouth Grand Hotel
All material found in these packages is owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society and is housed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives (22 Collins Street, Yarmouth, NS). Credit must be given to, Yarmouth County Archives.
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