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Music in Yarmouth, NS archival package
All material found in these packages is owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society and is housed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives (22 Collins Street, Yarmouth, NS). Credit must be given to, Yarmouth County Archives.
1- Newspaper Ad. Discusses the band Crash Test Dummies. Source: Velocity v. 1 iss. 7
2- Newspaper Clipping. Discusses JD Carter and Melanie Doane. Source: Unknown.
3- Newspaper Clipping. Discusses the band Burnt Black (Brian Borcherdt, Adam Borcherdt, Marcus Webster, Neil MacKenzie). Source: Unknown.
4- Newspaper Article. Discusses the band Druids Revival progressing in a competition. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (August 13, 1999).
5- Newspaper Article. Discusses the band Druids Revival winning a competition. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (October 22, 1999).
6- Newspaper Article. Discusses “The Quistmas Quacker Show” written by Andre Haines. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (December 3, 1999)
7- Newspaper Article. Discusses Danielle Deveau placing in a talent show. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (February 12, 1999).
8- Advertisement. Discusses show being put on by the band Druids Revival. Lists the members at the time (May, 1999).
9- Newspaper Article. Discusses the band Nudge. Source: Vanguard (March 31, 1995).
10- Cover Photo. Shows Doug Webster. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (March 17, 1995).
11- Newspaper Article. Discusses Doug Webster. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (March 17, 1995).
12- Newspaper Article. Discusses Doug Webster. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (March, 1995).
13- Newspaper Article. Discusses Gerry Boudreau producing Acadian music. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (January 20, 1995).
14- Newspaper Article. Discusses the band Rock Steady. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (April 10, 1992).
15- Newspaper Article. Discusses an event/band called Music and Friends ’92. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (March 6, 1992)
16- Newspaper Article. Discusses Tom O’Keefe and his new album “Beyond the Dawn.” Source: Chronicle-Herald (March 5, 1992).
17- Newspaper Article. Discusses a performance by Tom Gallant. Source: Chronicle-Herald (February 26, 1992).
18- Newspaper Article. Discusses the Kiwanis Music Festival. Source: Chronicle-Herald (February 24, 1992).
19- Newspaper Article. Discusses the musical group Music and Friends. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (February 21, 1992).
20- Document. Lists the nominees for the 1991 East Coast Music Awards. Source: The Annapolis Advantage (January 1992).
21- Newspaper Article. Discusses the East Coast Music Awards. Source: The Annapolis Advantage (January 1992).
22- Newspaper Article. Discusses the winners of the East Coast Music Awards. Source: The Chronicle-Herald
23- Newspaper Article. Discusses composer Andre Haines. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (April 14, 1995).
24- Newspaper Article. Discusses Vic Mullen and Don Messer. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (April 14, 1995).
25- Newspaper Article. Discusses The Shantymen and a new cassette being released. Source: The Chronicle-Herald (September 12, 1997).
26- Newspaper Article. Discusses The Shantymen releasing their first recording. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (September 5, 1997).
27- Article. Discusses the band Druid’s Revival. Source: Out and About (May 31, 1999).
28- Photo. Shows Dwight d’Eon on Canadian Idol. Source: Unknown.
29- List. Lists every song performed by Dwight d’Eon on Canadian Idol. Source: Unknown.
30- Article. Discusses Dwight d’Eon progressing on Canadian Idol. Source: Nova News Now (June 28, 2007).
31- Cover Photo. A Copy of the cover of an album by the band Hourglass.
32- Photos. A collection of photos of the band Hourglass.
33- Lyrics. Typed lyrics for 2 songs by the band Hourglass (Song for Yarmouth and Nova Scotia or Bust).
34- Document. A brief summary of the history of brass bands in Yarmouth (up to 1981). Source: Nancy Hood
35- Document. Outlines a brief history of the band Widget. Source: Unknown.
36- Photo. Shows the band Widget. Source: Widget website.
37- Photo. Shows the band Widget. Source: Widget Website.
38- List of songs. Source: Unknown
39- Introduction. Gives brief overview of the band Widget. Source: Widget Website.
album performed by The Yarmouth Shantymen.
40- Program for the 1989 Christmas performance by The Loreleis. It lists the members as well as the songs performed.
41- Program for the 1987 spring performance by The Loreleis.
42- Document. Regards general information about The Loreleis.
43- Schedule. States the schedule for The Lorelies’ Christmas Carol Breakfast event (n.d.).
44- Program for The Lorelies’ Christmas Carol Breakfast event (n.d.).
45- List. States the members of the Loreleis Telephone Committee (1988).
46- List. States the members of The Loreleis from 1986-1987.
47- Schedule. States the schedule for the 1986 Spring Concert of The Loreleis.
48- Lyrics to the song D’où Viens-tu, Bergère?
49- Program for the 1990 Christmas performance of The Loreleis.
50- Program for the 1989 Christmas performance of The Loreleis.
51- Newspaper Article. Regards the Yarmouth Band’s history as a volunteer organization. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard (March 22, 1978).
52- Document. Outlines a brief history of brass bands in Yarmouth (1850- 1974). Includes some programs form over the years.
53- Invitation for “The Second Annual Ball of the Yarmouth Brass Band.” Includes the evenings program. (n.d.).
54- Document. Lists the members of various committees associated with the Yarmouth Brass Band (n.d.).
55- Photo. Shows the Yarmouth Band in 1899. Lists the members.
56- Photo. Shows Mrs. Ada E. Allen. Provides a brief description of her and her life and family. Source: Unknown.
57- Correspondence. Sent to “Mr. Silver” from “Mr. Ladd.” October 15, 1964.
58- Document. Outlines a brief history of many musical groups/events in Yarmouth from 1785 to 1950. Source: Unknown.
59- Newspaper Article. Discusses a composition by Alice Slocomb. Source: Yarmouth Herald (January 3, 1905).
60- Document. Outlines a brief history of many musical groups/events in Yarmouth from 1785 to 1892. Source: Unknown.
61- Document. Discusses various music teachers in Yarmouth, as well as a small orchestra under Roy Williams. Source: Unknown.
62- Document. Outlines the Wesley Choir. Lists the members. Source: unknown.
63- Document. Discusses the performance of the Yarmouth Male Choir led by Roy Williams. Source: Unknown (n.d.).
64- Document. Outlines vocal and instrumental groups in association with the Wesley Church. Source: unknown.
65- Programme cover of Old Folkes Concert Company at St. Julian Hall, May 22, 1890.
66- Programme for “Ye Great Sygyng Meetyng”, May, 1890.
67- Newspaper Article. Discusses Mrs. A. R. Guest’s recital. Source: Yarmouth Light (February 11, 1926).
68- Stationary for the Boston Music Store, managed by Mrs. J. W. Boyd.
69- Card. Briefly describes the Boston Marine Hall.
70- Newspaper Ad. Regards a Grand Concert at the Boston Marine Music Hall on February 16, 1888. The concert was put on by the Ӕolian Glee Club of Yarmouth. Source: Unknown.
71- Programme for a recital by the pupils of Miss Elizabeth C. White. Lists the performers.
72- Poster. Regards a Grand Recruiting Rally at the Boston Marine Hall, n.d.
73- Advertisement. Regards a Benefit concert put on by Sadie Calhoun and the Yarmouth Concert Band. (n.d.).
74- Newspaper Clipping. Regards the Boston Marine Building, October 19, 1887. Source: Unknown.
75- Poster. Regards a performance of Esmeralda at the Boston Marine Music Hall on September 6, 187?. It lists the performers.
76- Document. Entitled, “The History of the Boston Insurance Building with mention of William Law and Co., Agents for the Boston Marine Company.” Source: unknown (n.d.).
77- Booklet. A highly detailed booklet regarding the history of many musical groups in Yarmouth. Includes the names of the many individuals involved, as well as dates.
78- List. Lists the various pieces performed (presumably) by the Yarmouth Brass Band in various years.
79- Document. Describes various musical performances by the Yarmouth Brass Band.
80- Documents. List the names of various Yarmouth Brass Band members over the span of years. Some lists include the instrument that the musician played. Source: unknown.
81- Newspaper Article. Discusses the music program at Digby Regional High School.
82- Financial Statement. Details financial information regarding The Royal Canadian Signals Band. Dated January 14, 1938.
83- Newspaper Advertisement. Regards a performance by the Acadia Brass Band. Source: Yarmouth Herald (February 28, 1850).
84- Document. Describes various musical performances by various musical groups. Source: Unknown.
85- Document. Lists the names of members of the Bluenose Band. Source: Unknown.
86- Document. A brief summary of the history of brass bands in Yarmouth. Source: Unknown.
87- Document. Describes various musical performances by various musical groups. Source: Unknown.
88- Document. Outlines various members of the Yarmouth Brass Band.
89- Document. Describes various musical performances by various musical groups. Source: Unknown.
90- Document. Describes various musical performances by various musical groups. Source: Unknown.
91- Booklet. Contains some photos and diagrams relating to the Yarmouth Citizens Concert Band.
92- Booklet. Lists may band excursions from 1862 to 1941. Source: Unknown.
93- Photo. Show the Yarmouth Citizens Band’s new uniforms in 1978.
94- Photo. Shows a brass band playing in front of The Snackerie, 1954.
95- Photo. Shows a brass band playing in the CNIB Parade in 1977.
96- Photo. Shows a brass band standing outside of the Court House.
97- Photo. Shows the Yarmouth Citizen’s Band on stage, n.d.
98- Photo. Shows George Burgoyne playing a trombone. The back of the photo reads, “still playing at age 90+.”
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