Edgar J. Vickery was the founder of E.J. Vickery's Bookstore located at 307 Main Street. Known as a successful businessman and outstanding member of town, Mr. Vickery was well-known and well-liked.
This package includes:
Examples of Vickery’s print work, advertisements and business cards
From folder YMS-4-58)
1- Samples of Typewriter papers. Reference #YMS-4-58 F6
2- Vickery’s Handy memo pad
3- “School Books and School Supplies” advertisement for Vickery’s Bookstore, Yarmouth, NS.
4- Sticker of Edgar J. Vickery Ltd. in Yarmouth, NS
5- Tiny advertisement for Edgar J. Vickery Bookstore
6- Bookplate of E.J. Vickery. Reference #YMS-4-58 F4
7- Edgar J. Vickery business card for Yarmouth, NS store
8- E.J. Vickery business card for Halifax, NS, The Book Room. Mr. Vickery’s managed this store. Reference #YMS-4-58 P1
Articles and photograph (From folder YMS-4-58)
9- Article titled, “Sixty-three years in the Book and Stationery Business”. A brief sketch of Edgar J. Vickery
10- Article titled, “Book Steward at Halifax Retires”. E.J. Vickery retires after fifteen years of service at Halifax bookstore
11- Photograph of E.J. Vickery
12- Photograph of a young E.J. Vickery
From folder YMS-1-237
13-Obituaries of E.J. Vickery
14- A photograph of a young E.J. Vickery and a brief bio
15- Exterior photograph of E.J. Vickery Bookstore (Reference #PH-10-Vickery-3)
16- Interior photograph of E.J. Vickery Bookstore (Reference #PH-10-Vickery-8)
17- Heritage Home inventory sheet for 567 Main Street. Home of E. J. Vickery from 1895-1920.
Edgar J. Vickery archival package
All material found in these packages is owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society and is housed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives (22 Collins Street, Yarmouth, NS). Credit must be given to, Yarmouth County Archives.
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