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Comeau Genealogical Package

Comeau Genealogy Archival File
Note: This material is composed of a variety of general material, including,
vital statistics, photographs, newspaper articles, etc. and may have material
from different Comeau families.

This genealogical package includes, 
1- Artists Profiles, articles showcasing the following artists, Angelina Comeau, Denise
Comeau, Johanne Comeau and Simone Comeau. Source: Yarmouth Vanguard.
2- Article about Comeau Sea Foods Ltd. Source: Vanguard, November 12 1996.
3-Mountain Cemetery Comeau burials. Source: Yarmouth Mountain Cemetery index.
4-Early Deaths Comeau 1800-1850. Source: Deaths, Burial and Probate of Nova Scotians,
1800-1850 by Allan Everett Marble
5-Index of vital statistics for Yarmouth County newspapers- index for Comeau 1860-1890.
Sources: Yarmouth Herald, Yarmouth Times and Yarmouth Telegram newspapers.
6- Index of vital statistics for Yarmouth County newspapers- index for Comeau 1900-1930.
Sources: Yarmouth Herald, Yarmouth Times and Yarmouth Telegram newspapers.
7-Comeau burials in Yarmouth County, NS Cemeteries. Sources: Yarmouth County
Cemeteries records.
8-Comeau, Daniel marriage announcement to Ida Cottreau. Source: Yarmouth Light
February 18, 1926.
9-Comeau, Estienne 1701 Census. Source: 1701 Acadian Census report.
10-Comeau, Pierre 1700 Census.Source: 1700 Acadian Census report.
11- Comeau, Ida census record. Source: 1931 Census of Canada record for Ida Comeau.
12-Comeau, Isaie - article about an accident. Source: Halifax Herald, January 19, 1943.
13-Comeau, Jeannette marriage announcement to Norman Pothier. Source: Yarmouth
Herald, July 19, 1955.
14- Comeau, Juliet - announcement of a new lodging establishment. Source: Yarmouth
Herald, June 19, 1856.
15- Comeau, Margaret - article and photos regarding her sons who served in WWII, two of
which died in service (Gordon Comeau and Edward Comeau). Also mentioning a war
memorial that Margaret helped unveil. Source: Yarmouth Herald, 1944 and scans from
original photos.
16-Comeau, Mrs. John obituary. Source: Yarmouth Herald, February 13, 1949.
17-Comeau, Mrs. Philip obituary. Source: Yarmouth Telegram, October 13, 1911.
18-Comeau, Thais - article about him celebrating his 95th year. Source: Vanguard, June 6,
19- 1686 Acadian Census record for Comeaux (Comeau), Jean. Source: 1686 Acadian
20-1671 and 1686 Acadian Census record for Comeaux (Comeau), Pierre. Source: 1686
Acadian Census - Census of Port Royal Query.
21-Dennis Comeau obituary. Source: Yarmouth Telegram, November 23, 1934.
22-Elisee Comeau residence from 1892-1934 heritage homes inventory sheet (34 Starrs
Road). Source: Heritage Homes Inventory Sheets for Yarmouth, NS.
23-J. Rene Comeau residence from 1909-1923 heritage homes inventory sheet (63-65 Cliff
Street). Source: Heritage Homes Inventory Sheets for Yarmouth, NS.
24-John J. Comeau residence from 1903-1936 heritage homes inventory sheet (5
Cumberland Street). Source: Heritage Homes Inventory Sheets for Yarmouth, NS.
25-Rosamond Comeau residence from 1902-1959 heritage homes inventory sheet (20
Chester Street). Source: Heritage Homes Inventory Sheets for Yarmouth, NS.

Comeau Genealogical Package

  • All material found in these packages is owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society and is housed at the Yarmouth County Museum and Archives (22 Collins Street, Yarmouth, NS). Credit must be given to, Yarmouth County Archives. 

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The Yarmouth County Museum and Archives, owned by the Yarmouth County Historical Society stands on Mi’kma’ki (Mi’kmaq Territory) and supports culture, education, and arts on this land. We strive for meaningful partnerships with all the peoples of this province as we continue to live and work here. Through the Peace and Friendship Treaties, which the Mi’kmaq, Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet), and Passamaquoddy Peoples first signed with the British Crown in 1725-1726, there was no surrender of lands nor resources. Agreements within these Treaties outline a path for the ongoing relationship between Nations in mutual respect.

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